Dear Hutchings Community,
That warm day earlier this week was certainly extraordinary. It had me thinking about all of the fun events on the horizon as the seasons change and the weather warms up.
It also has me excited about some of the upcoming experiences we're providing to our future Huskies!
Last August, Hutchings partnered with Southwest Elementary School, designing a new event called "A Taste of Kindergarten". It gave our team a chance to meet students, gave kindergarten and begindergarten parents a chance to learn about the important systems that support all students, and gave our soon-to-be students a positive first impression of what Hutchings life would be like. Yesterday, Hutchings and Southwest teams met again to discuss how "A Taste of Kindergarten" might look again.
Next week, all six Howell elementary schools will host Kindergarten and Begindergarten Information Night on Thursday. I'm so grateful for everyone at Hutchings who contributes to both of these events.
When I first arrived at Hutchings in August 2022, I was struck by how thoughtful and welcoming everyone was to me, and I see how consistently we are that way for everyone.
Enjoy your weekends and, hopefully, some of that weather returns soon.
Ben Malecki
Student Contribution: National Park Expo is Coming!
Hutchings 5th graders and 5th grade teachers are hosting the National Park Expo at Hutchings Elementary on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. The Expo will be located in the gym. On March 20, every single fifth grader will present their individual project on a national park they researched. Students in Mr. DeLand, Ms. Douglas, Mrs. Reis, and Mrs. Stolle's classes are all participating.
We’ve been working on these for a long time. It started with some work in Mrs. Reis’s class. She teaches reading to 5th graders. We researched demographics, history, geography, weather, climate, ecosystem, scenery and tourism. In Mrs. Stolle’s writing class, we worked together as a class to create an example report on Grand Canyon National Park. We used that as a reference to help us with our own report. Our science teacher, Mr. DeLand is crazy about national parks! He gave us a sense of the overall plan.
As we’ve gotten closer to the Expo, we had an intense writing experience. We were constantly editing, revising, and perfecting our writing. This included sharing our writing with two classmates and Mrs. Stolle, who all gave us suggestions.
The projects we’ve had to build at home have also been intense. We could choose to make a tri-fold poster, 3D model, or scrapbook. We have until March 15th to turn in our project. We’ve learned to focus on our own work and prevent procrastination. We’ve also learned that this is OUR project. It’s important that we decide what quality looks like and that we can execute quality work. We are excited to deliver our projects to you at the National Park Expo!
If you come to the Expo, you will see about ninety national park presentations. Come find us - Aubrey Cline’s project is Grand Teton National Park and Lily Robinson’s project is Arches National Park.
Contributors: Aubrey Cline and Lily Robinson (Hutchings 5th graders)
District Updates:
Begindergarten and Kindergarten Information Night is Next Week
Next Thursday, March 7, from 6-7 p.m., we will host our annual Begindergarten and Kindergarten information night. At this event, incoming begindergarten and kindergarten families will gain insights into the educational experiences our begindergarten and kindergarten programs offer, tour the school, and students will receive a special stuffed animal with their child's graduation year. If you have an incoming begindergarten or kindergarten student who still needs to register, please visit to start the registration process.
National School Breakfast Week is March 4-8
Howell Public Schools will celebrate National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) from March 4-8, 2024, to encourage more families to take advantage of the healthy choices available with school breakfast. The NSBW campaign theme, "Surf's Up with School Breakfast," reminds the entire school community that healthy breakfast options are available to give students an energizing start to the day. Busy weekday mornings can make it challenging for families to find time for a healthy breakfast. Fortunately, our Food Service Department offers nutritious school breakfasts with fruit and low-fat or fat-free milk to ensure students are fueled for learning every school day. To view our school's breakfast menu, please visit
Howell Public Schools Student Perception Survey
This year, the district and our school will participate in the MI Student Voice Perception Survey. The survey provides invaluable insights into how we are doing as a district to help guide district improvement planning. The survey will be administered to fifth through twelfth-grade students and is designed to provide a holistic picture of the student experience beyond test scores. Topics covered include perceptions of students' engagement, belonging, and social-emotional learning. The survey does not ask questions regarding drug or alcohol use, intimate relationships, political or religious affiliations, or other personal information. You can review the survey questions at If you would prefer your child not take part in the survey, please complete an opt-out form at by Friday, March 8, 2024.
Monthly Family Educational Series
Our next session in the district's family educational series is scheduled for Thursday, March 14, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The March session will focus on bullying. The session will equip families with strategies to identify bullying, treatment options, and strategies for prevention. To learn more about this session, please visit This month, there will not be an in-person viewing option. We encourage families to participate virtually by visiting
Attention Fifth-Grade Parents
Before you know it, your students will move on to middle school. We wanted to make you aware of some important upcoming dates. The middle school principals (Dr. Tim Moore, Highlander Way Middle School principal, and Dr. Trish Poelke, Parker Middle School principal) will visit all fifth-grade classes on March 4. Before the visit, students will watch a video created by Dr. Moore and Dr. Poelke that will go over the changes to expect in the transition to middle school and some things they can start doing now to prepare. They will review the structure of the middle school day and the different encore classes offered. During the visit, the principals will answer questions from students. A fifth-grade parent night will be held on Tuesday, March 5, at 6:00 p.m. at both Parker and Highlander Way.
Counselor's Corner:
March is Reading Month!
Reading not only exercises your mind, but helps to build social and emotional skills as well! Reading can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, promote better communication between parents and children, and encourage a greater understanding of other people and cultures.
Just 15 minutes of daily reading at home can make a difference. Here are 5 quick tips to make reading a priority in your home:
Always have books on hand. Keep books in odd places, like your purse and car. Make frequent trips to the library. Check out bargain book sales and garage sales.
Make it fun. Design a “reading bingo”game (read to a pet, read in a pillow fort). Consider subscribing your child to a magazine for kids. Focus on their interests.
Read routinely together. Schedule time to read aloud together. Take turns reading passages. There is no app to replace your lap! Make reading a regularly scheduled tradition in your home. Seek out other things to read, like menus, greeting cards, and street signs.
Be a patient listener. Even if your child reads slowly, try not to finish sentences for your child. Instead, gently correct mistakes, sound out words together, and let your child know you are proud of their effort. Cut out distractions.
Ask questions. Ask your child about what they are reading in school or about what you are reading together. Try to ask open-ended questions, such as “Why do you think the character did that?” or “What do you think will happen next?”
Books can have healing powers! Check out There are over 150 book topics, ranging from acceptance, anxiety, and arguing, to sibling rivalry, teamwork, and tattling. Reading Rockets has other great tips to help children become successful readers: . Happy reading!
Your Partner in Education,
Kristen Hogan
Due to Kindergarten Information Night, our next PTO Meeting will begin earlier than usual.
It is at 5:15 pm on Thursday, March 7. It will be at Hutchings Elementary, but will be in a classroom instead of the library because of the Kindergarten Event. This will be clearly communicated when you arrive! Thanks for understanding!
In January, Sensei Sam visited and helped us think about our "Courage Muscle" - at Hutchings, we've been training it since his visit!
Next Friday, Sensei returns to check on our progress, and talk about our "Discipline Muscle"; we can't wait!
Hutchings Elementary School
3503 Bigelow Rd., Howell, MI 48855
Phone 517.540.8081 | Fax 517.234.6075
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