Dear Hutchings Community,
It's the holiday season. We had our Santa Shop in the library this week. It was "Grinch Day" in first grade today, and it was Crazy Hair / Hat day throughout the building. You would have been astounded by some of the festive and artful hairstyles I saw today. In a few school days, our 4th and 5th grade choir will be singing in the hallways. There's no shortage of joy and goodwill being passed back-and-forth at Hutchings Elementary.
Speaking of which, I want to thank families for contributing to our Canned Food Drive, which ended today. I certainly deserve no credit for our building's success; I am grateful to be part of a community as generous as ours. Coming into the school year, I had heard about Hutchings track-record of generosity and I was not disappointed. In fact, as of December 7, Mr. DeLand reported that we had received more than 8,000 items for our Drive. Based on the cans I saw coming into the building today, that number increased significantly.
All of those donations set an incredible example for our young Huskies. Thank you for being models of generosity in your actions. Your kindness would make a Grinch heart grow an extra three sizes! (Just ask a first grader you know, and they'll explain what that means.)
Thank you,
Ben Malecki
District Updates:
Mobile Food Pantry in Howell on Thursday, December 15
On Thursday, December 15, Gleaners Food Bank will have a Mobile Food Pantry in the bus lot at 411 N. Highlander Way (between Highlander Way Middle School and the Freshman Campus). The Mobile will be open from 4 p.m.-5 p.m. Anyone in the community needing food can drive through and pick up food from the Mobile. If you have any questions regarding the Howell Food Mobile or food access in Howell, please contact Gleaners Food Bank at 517-548-3710.
Transportation Update
The Howell Transportation Department is in critical need of additional full-time and substitute drivers. In recent weeks, the district has been unable to staff all of its routes, leading to the cancellation of some routes for the day. While every attempt is made to double routes to transport additional students to school, we are utilizing all licensed staff, including support staff and leadership, to drive routes when needed. If you or anyone you know may be interested in becoming a bus driver, please visit New drivers receive paid training, a signing bonus, and retirement benefits. Additionally, the work schedule is aligned with the school calendar, so drivers receive the same days off as our students.
Superintendent Holiday Card Art Contest
Each year, Superintendent MacGregor selects artwork created by an elementary school student for his annual holiday card. If your child would like to submit a holiday-themed picture to be considered for Mr. MacGregor’s card, please send their artwork to by 5 p.m. on Monday, December 12. Please include the student’s name, grade, and school in the email.
Counselor's Corner:
A More Peaceful Holiday Break
Most kids are excited about having time away from school and the freedom to do as they please! What they don't know, however, is that their brain actually craves structure. A predictable schedule and routine (like knowing what is coming next, what is expected of them, and what they need to be aware of) helps kids feel emotionally and physically safe, and will improve behavior at home.
Naturally, school provides this structure for kids. Without school, your child is left without focus and structure and might be zoned out or unable to channel their excess thoughts and energy. Here are 5 quick strategies for providing structure during a traditionally unstructured holiday break:
1. Set the stage. You are the role model, so lead by example. If they see you stressed out, they'll feed on that and the tension in the house will explode. If the kids see that you're calm, cool, controlled and reasonably stress-free, their attitude and actions will follow. Like anything, kids take their cues from us so show them that you've got everything under control and they'll follow suit.
2. Make a list of activities with your child that he or she would like to do or accomplish during the holiday. Elicit their feedback and ideas. Plan ahead and map it out on a calendar to help your child know what and when things will happen.
3. Set a daily schedule. The more input your child has in this process, the higher the likelihood of it being followed. Include daily to-do lists and chores. Schedule time for play, but also for relaxation. Set guidelines for bedtime and wake-up - this consistency is especially important for regulating moods.
4. When you have things you just have to get done, try spending some quality time with the kids first, and then do your tasks. For example, if you have to go grocery shopping, take them to a park first…something they like, and something that burns some energy. They will respond better to “Okay, I have to get some things done now,” after they’ve had some quality time.
5. Let loose and connect! Give their new video game a try and watch them laugh at you as you lose. Sit down and actually play that board game Santa brought for Christmas. Regardless of their age, whether they are 5 or 15, they are more likely to honor your parenting motives if you show some sort of interest in their activities.
We wish you a wonderful holiday season, and encourage you to “enjoy the little things in life, for one day, you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.”
In partnership,
Sarah Marker
School Counselor
Sarah Marker
Our next PTO Meeting is Wednesday, December 14! We meet at Hutchings Elementary School at 5:00pm. We hope you can attend as our PTO plans exciting events for our students!
Thanks to anyone who ordered from Cottage Inn on "Hutchings Day"! We hope to have similar events in the future!
Please remember our Holiday Break runs from December 22 - January 3!
When we return on January 4, it's the beginning of Quarter 3!
Hutchings Elementary School
3503 Bigelow Rd., Howell, MI 48855
Phone 517.540.8081 | Fax 517.234.6075
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