Northwest News 3/15/2024 (2) 

Dear Northwest Families,


First of all, don't forget that we will not have school the week of March 25th - March 29th as we are on SPRING BREAK. Regardless of where your spring break takes you, I hope you have a restful, relaxing, and safe week. We will see everyone back at Northwest on Monday, April 1st for the final 43 days of the school year.


Can you believe we are already preparing for the 2024-2025 school year? It is this time of year that we begin to determine teacher grade level placement as well as student placement in individual classes. All Howell elementary schools use a process that allows parents to provide the school information about their child that will assist in the placement of their child through the use of a Placement Consideration Form (PCF).  The form asks that you describe the educational setting, (academics, behavioral and physical) that you would like to have for your children without naming a particular teacher. It is important to be as detailed as possible stating the type of classroom environment that would most benefit your child. Example: structured, relaxed, hands-on, challenging, quiet, teacher-directed, etc.  Please note: When a specific teacher name is written on the form, the form will not be accepted or considered.


We will use these forms to support our process, but remember that your child’s current teacher knows the learning style that best suits your child. We work hard each spring to properly place students to ensure a successful year of growth.  We consider  many different factors: teaching style, students in the class, etc.  It truly is a long process. Thank you for your support in this.


You may complete the electronic form starting today through April 12th.  




Our 5th graders made blankets through the Fleece and Thank You company.  These blankets are given to children who are suffering from cancer in the hospitals.  A message is attached to the blanket via QR code, so the recipient will be able to see that the blankets were made in dedication to Mrs. Snyder, who passed away earlier this school year.  




Our 5th graders also raised money to purchase capes for children who are hospitalized overcoming an illness or disability.  The students developed this idea as they were inspired by one of our own Northwest Eagles, Evelyn Zurek.  Evelyn was a recipient of one of these capes a few months ago.


Yours in education,


Craig Munro


Posted by KleinS On 20 March, 2024 at 1:28 PM