Dear Northwest Families, I can’t believe January is almost over! Second semester is off to a great start. While the holidays are behind us, we did learn that some students were lucky enough to receive smart watches from Santa. While these items are really special and cool, please refrain from allowing them to come to school with your child. They fall under the “wireless communication device” por ... more»
Dear Northwest Families, We are always looking for ways to update and improve all areas of our educational experience! Our School Improvement Committee has made the decision to move away from our former behavior motto of “S2R” (Safe, Responsible, Respectful) to a more updated motto: SOAR. Everyday on morning announcements, the students say, “Eagles don’t just fly… we SOAR!”. This acronym captu ... more»
Dear Northwest families, Happy mid-winter break! As you know, a partial power outage closed Northwest, giving families some additional unexpected time together. We hope you enjoy these few days - catch your breath, reconnect. We look forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday, February 21st! PARENTGUIDANCE.ORG The Livingston Educational Service Agency has partnered with an organizati ... more»
Dear Northwest Families, To say we are excited about our new pet is an understatement! If you haven’t heard, Northwest has a new academic and emotional support pet: Talon, our black Lab. At this time, he is kept exclusively in the office in order to get acclimated to the sights, sounds, and smells of our building. Kids are not permitted to touch or pet him until he is fully trained, which will b ... more»
Dear Northwest Families, We are one week away from a much-deserved break! I hope you enjoy some time away from school to relax and recharge. When we get back to school, we have all things “spring” to look forward to: warmer weather, extended time outside, and spring activities. M-STEP Shortly after Spring Break, we will be embarking on our annual M-STEP State Assessment cycle. We are required ... more»
Dear Northwest Families, We are one week away from a much-deserved break! I hope you enjoy some time away from school to relax and recharge. When we get back to school, we have all things “spring” to look forward to: warmer weather, extended time outside, and spring activities. M-STEP Shortly after Spring Break, we will be embarking on our annual M-STEP State Assessment cycle. We are required ... more»
Dear Northwest Families, Spring is in the air! There are so many exciting events now that the weather is improving: field trips, field day, etc. One of the flagship events for our district is the wonderful Senior Survivor. Selected high school students are “locked in” the building and challenged to compete to raise money for a worthwhile cause. This year’s cause is a district initiative: The “ ... more»
Dear Northwest Families, I am, yet again, blown away by the generosity of our Northwest community! Last Friday we hosted a movie night to raise money for our Junior and Senior Survivors and their Howell Hownds cause. I am happy to report that we earned over $820 for the district dogs! Once they are officially trained, Talon and the other dogs will be able to support so many staff and students. ... more»
Dear Northwest Families, It has been a busy spring! Our Junior and Senior Survivors raised $188,490 for the Highlander Hownds therapy dog program. Thank you for supporting this cause by sharing your coins and attending our movie night! Although there is less than a month left of school, there is no shortage of events and activities! Please take note: KIDS READ NOW We are delighted to partner ... more»
Dear Northwest Families, As the end of the school year approaches, we have been enjoying some of our favorite springtime activities! Two of our most favorite events are coming up: FIELD DAY Field Day is Monday, May 23rd (rain day is Tuesday 5/24)! Our 3rd-5th grade students will participate in the morning, and our BK-2 students will participate in the afternoon. Please set us all ... more»